Pricing + Services: Nursing Mentoring


Nursing Mentoring Services (Virtually): all sessions are completed via zoom or a phone call (your choice)!

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FREE 15 Minute Introduction Nursing Call (discovery call)

FREE ($0) — This discovery call provides the opportunity to get to know more about you and your prior experience and where you want to level up or transition in nursing. This allows both parties to see if we are a good fit for each other, as connections are important for success! This is very important to me. This discovery call does not serve as a full nursing mentoring session and is not meant to answer all of your nursing mentoring related questions. If you would like a tailored nursing mentoring consultation, please book a paid nursing mentoring session. See below.

Pre-Nursing Mentoring Services

$50/hour — For those who are interested in nursing or are in the process of completing prerequisites for nursing school. Provides assistance to make sure you are taking the appropriate prerequisites, personal statement letters, resume/CV edits, and how to stand out as a nursing school applicant.

Nursing Student Mentoring Services: LPN or RN Students (without a license)

$60/hr — Provides nursing students who are already accepted and started a nursing program the tools to level up & be successful in nursing school. These skills extend into the work force as a nurse to include time management, critical thinking skills, & prioritization skills. Additional skills: How to prepare & be successful for clinicals & effective studying styles.

Nursing Mentoring Services: LPN or RN (with a license)

$75/hr — Provides current nurses (LPN or RN) with tools to level up in their current role (i.e. clinical ladder, certifications in your specialty etc) or providing guidance if interested in advancing your education. How to pick a graduate school? How to decide what certification? Guidance with personal statement letters & CV/resume edits.

Nurse Practitioner (NP) Student Mentoring Services

$85/hr — Provides guidance to NP students to be successful in didactic courses as well as clinicals, while helping you to transition from a “nurse” to “NP” mentality. Provides resources to what do before graduation, post graduation in regard to NP certification, license, and credentialing.

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) candidate Mentoring

$99/hour and up+ — Provides assistance with choosing a feasible DNP project that aligns with your interests & goals, setting up timeline for your DNP project, and assistance with paper edits as needed.